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Truth about Trusts

The Truth about a Trust

At Tivaldi we are PEOPLE WHO CARE and are committed to provide a financial education for anyone willing to learn.


To learn more about the fundamental principles of a sound financial strategy and how Hidden Fees in 401(k), 403(b) and other tax qualified plans destroy wealth please visit our Call To Action and Hidden Fees 401(k) / 403(b) pages.   


When it comes to a sound financial strategy a Trust and/or Foundation is one of the most important fundamental principles in protecting your assets and growing generational wealth so we highly recommend establishing a Trust. This must be one of your first steps in protecting your wealth for you and your heirs.


We know there is a great deal of confusion about setting up a Trust/Foundation so wanted to provide this information.


The following webinar is presented by a collegue to provide insight into a proper Trust/Foundation.


You will also learn how properly structured life insurance is a huge asset in a Trust/Foundation.


The webinar references Indexed Universal Life (IUL) but we only recommend Dividend Paying Whole Life policies so please read and share this short article Why Not EIUL to understand why.


For more insight into the value of life insurance please read this short synopsis written byTivaldi Co-founder, Joe Myers, on the grounbreaking book Confessions of a CPA - The Capital Equivalent Value of Life Insurance written by 35-plus year CPA, Bryan Bloom.


Bryan gave permission for Joe to write the synopsis titled Ways To Protect Your MONEY NOW and in the FUTURE so please read and share.


In the webinar you will learn information that most CPA's and attorneys do not know.


We can also review current Trusts/Foundations to make sure they have been correctly created and if they are not then we will assist you in creating a proper Trust/Foundation.


The following are a few reasons you want to watch the webinar:


  • You will learn how to reduce your current tax rate to 5% or less.

  • You are a business owner or 1099 employee.

  • You want to protect your assets.

  • You desire to conduct your business privately.


You will learn there is a difference between "Public" vs. "Private" knowledge of taxation. The following opinion on taxation rendered by U.S. Appeals Court Judge Learned Hand states there are two tax systems in America and that is what the webinar is referring to:


In America, there are two tax systems; one for the informed and one for the uninformed. Both systems are legal. Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands.” Gregory v. Helvering (2d Cir. 1934)


We provide access to a webinar so you can review the information at a time you can devote to learning.


Please provide your name and email in the LEARN MORE section below for access to the webinar. 


When the video opens up you can make the video full screen by clicking on the bottom right of the video on a desktop or laptop and click the upper left of the video on a mobile device.


If you close the window before finishing the webinar you will have to enter your contact information again to finish watching the webinar.


To schedule a consultation please contact Co-founder of Tivaldi, Joe Myers, at 904-254-6472 (Call or text) or


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